The Genealogy of LOST

The television show LOST started in 2004 and ended in 2010, capturing the attention of millions of devoted fans along the way. It was the kind of show that kept viewers guessing about everything. Little clues were revealed along the way that provided insight into exactly how the characters were related to each other. I thought it would be interesting to apply a little genealogy to the relationships between several of the characters in the show. If you are someone who has not yet managed to finish watching this television series, and have somehow been able to avoid finding out … Continue reading

Basic kinship terms for genealogy

Figuring out just how each person in your family tree is related to you is one of the more confusing aspects of Genealogy. Often, family terminology is shortened, and mixed into a whole series of other abbreviations that have something to do with Genealogy. All of this can quickly resemble a bowl of alphabet soup, and provide you with a lot of frustration. One way to avoid much of the confusion about how you are related to other family members is to first learn more about what each of the different relationship terms means. To make things as clear as … Continue reading

Great-Aunts are Wonderful

Some parts of your family tree are easy to figure out. Most genealogists can fill in the blanks for their parents and siblings without having to think much about it. Things get a bit more complex when you try and sort out how you are related to your great-aunts. I recently attended my sister’s wedding. As expected, there were plenty of relatives that came to the wedding. It has been a long time since I had seen or talked to many of them, so it was really nice to have the opportunity to catch up. Even though I haven’t been … Continue reading

Keeping Track of Your Cousins

When you hear people speaking about their cousins, you may hear some interesting things such as “Betty is my third cousin, twice removed”. When you hear these things, you may wonder who removed Betty or what she was removed from and why. Let’s take a look at who your cousins are, and how they get removed. You probably know who your first cousins are, the people that have two of the same grandparents that you do. To say it a different way, they are the children of your aunts and uncles. Second cousins have the same great grandparents that you … Continue reading